Dear Friends,
It feels like just yesterday I was in Dream, Girl office sending off an email about election heartbreak, hope, and finding the courage to fight back.
Eight years, two kids, and what seems like a million steps forward here I am again, searching for the right words. Searching for the right stories to anchor us during this eerily familiar storm.
This morning as the neighborhood kids gathered to greet the school bus my neighbor and I exchanged a teary hug. I hope today to extend that hug to you, how ever it finds you.
I wasn’t expecting to share more than a little note of solidarity, but while I was sitting with Poppy, coloring at the coffee table watching cartoons I felt a hit. A surge of potential, an energy that I’ve come to identify as from “Spirit.” It’s an other worldly knowing that I’ve learned to just sit and receive.
And so I did. I wrote it down, and here is what it said.
With love and bells from Buffalo,
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